Executive Search

We know your business—and that’s why we provide the premier matching of the right talent for the right opportunity. To that end, we offer Retained Executive Search, Discreet Search Projects, Strategic Search Advisory, Rapid Placement Services, and International Search services for dental professionals looking to fill executive roles.

Executive Search

What We Do

Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

Execudent combines decades of thought leadership, talent management, and dental practice expertise. If you're still wondering what you want to be when you grow up, you're in the right place.

Our growing membership of subject matter experts benefit from exclusive educational opportunities and mentorship connections. We further provide marketing and operations support services to our best-in-class individual/practice owner clientele. We also provide Enterprise services for larger practices and DSO's in three key domains: talent management, continuing education, and thought leadership opportunities.

Regardless of your current niche in the dental profession, we provide individual services to our Talent Members, including: thought leadership, media training, speaking opportunities, short-term project placement, coaching, and product evaluations.

Inquire about services for Talent

Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Industry Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

Execudent leadership’s relationships with industry clients represent longitudinal engagement and mutual recognition of leadership at the forefront of dentistry. Once connected with Execudent, industry clients foster strategic partnerships and opportunities for growth otherwise inaccessible to smaller or less-established entities.

Many of our industry client services dovetail with Talent Member opportunities. We hand-select and qualify Talent Members for participation in our best-in-industry Talent Pool. These individuals seek short-term projects or long-term job placement; all candidates are directly supported by Coaches, and equipped with robust cross-functional skills.

We also offer services uniquely tailored to dentistry, including executive search, thought leadership development, and bespoke cross-marketing opportunities. We invite representatives from large or well-established entities across dentistry and DSO’s to inquire about our client services, and about opportunities for sponsorship—especially events, courses/CE, and media.

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Our Process

Service Offerings & Customization

We offer several types of executive search services, including retained executive search, discreet search projects, strategic search advising, rapid placement services, and international search.

Understanding Your Industry Niche

We understand that the dental industry has unique challenges in recruiting top talent. Most executive search firms lack knowledge of the dental industry, leading to difficulties in finding qualified candidates for large dental manufacturers and well-funded start-ups. However, because we know your business, we can efficiently find the right talent candidate for your opportunity.

Establishing an Ideal Candidate Profile

To develop a comprehensive recruitment strategy, it's critical to establish an ideal candidate profile that addresses work-life balance, thought leadership expectations, and lifestyle factors. Identifying specific industry-related challenges would lead to creating an efficient recruitment strategy.

Exploring Multiple Channels of Candidate Sourcing

From industry-specific job boards to incentivized sponsorship programs, we utilize multiple channels of candidate sourcing and recruitment to find the best candidates. Utilizing AI-powered executive search reports to identify suitable candidates is also helpful.

Effective Onboarding Programs

Transition strategies that ensure smooth integration into the company culture are essential, which could include meeting the candidate's family or partner profiles, offering mentorship or coaching opportunities, and creating an effective onboarding program.


We measure success by the satisfaction of our Clients. Our goal is to find the perfect fit for your organization, ensuring they will help drive growth and development.

Our Client Services

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