Online Member Community

You are not in this alone. Keeping up with the ever-evolving dental technology can be challenging in the confines of your practice. Rest assured, you can offer the best care to your patients by staying up-to-date. Execudent connects practitioners to create a community of like-minded professionals who share their insights, educate each other, and learn together. Trust us as we deliver the most reliable, thought-provoking leadership platform in the industry.

Online Member Community

What We Do

Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

Execudent combines decades of thought leadership, talent management, and dental practice expertise. If you're still wondering what you want to be when you grow up, you're in the right place.

Our growing membership of subject matter experts benefit from exclusive educational opportunities and mentorship connections. We further provide marketing and operations support services to our best-in-class individual/practice owner clientele. We also provide Enterprise services for larger practices and DSO's in three key domains: talent management, continuing education, and thought leadership opportunities.

Regardless of your current niche in the dental profession, we provide individual services to our Talent Members, including: thought leadership, media training, speaking opportunities, short-term project placement, coaching, and product evaluations.

Inquire about services for Talent

Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Industry Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

Execudent leadership’s relationships with industry clients represent longitudinal engagement and mutual recognition of leadership at the forefront of dentistry. Once connected with Execudent, industry clients foster strategic partnerships and opportunities for growth otherwise inaccessible to smaller or less-established entities.

Many of our industry client services dovetail with Talent Member opportunities. We hand-select and qualify Talent Members for participation in our best-in-industry Talent Pool. These individuals seek short-term projects or long-term job placement; all candidates are directly supported by Coaches, and equipped with robust cross-functional skills.

We also offer services uniquely tailored to dentistry, including executive search, thought leadership development, and bespoke cross-marketing opportunities. We invite representatives from large or well-established entities across dentistry and DSO’s to inquire about our client services, and about opportunities for sponsorship—especially events, courses/CE, and media.

Inquire about services for Industry

Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Institutional Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

Execudent’s services for dental education play a crucial role in supporting dental institutions in achieving excellence in education, research, and clinical practice. By partnering with our leadership and consultants, institutions and organizations can enhance their programs, attract top talent, and contribute to the advancement of the dental profession.

If you are an institutional client looking to establish or enhance your dental program, Execudent can provide you with the expertise and operational readiness you need to succeed. Our team is experienced in creating new dental education programs, founding dental schools, and designing residency programs. We can help you develop a comprehensive plan that takes into account your institution's unique needs and goals.

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Execudent’s Talent Members want what our Innovator Clients need. We make sure they’re ready for the right Opportunity.

At Execudent, an Innovator is someone who develops a new design, product, or idea, or has new ideas about how to do something with direct applications to the dental industry. They are often pioneers and push the boundaries of what is possible. Whether your product or services have applications outside of or exclusive to dentistry, we support entities seeking to launch, develop, or accelerate success in the dental industry.

Execudent streamlines the introduction and implementation of your innovative products and workflows. Whether you've developed a biocompatible material or a workflow to improve access to care for underserved communities, we can help you get past the gatekeepers and get in front of major players. Our services connecting industry clients with Innovators include product go-to-market, B2B2C consulting, and strategic partnerships.

Innovators—whether individuals or established entities—are invited to contact us or submit a client inquiry. Current leadership-supported services and opportunities for innovators include business planning, thought leadership development, and speaking opportunities or sponsorship of events.

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Our Process

Robust Dental Community Platform

Our facilitated and thoughtful community platform is the most comprehensive in the dental space.

Easy Connection with Comprehensive System

Stay connected with the dental community through our simple yet comprehensive system.

Regularly Refreshed Online Content

Get the exact information you need with regularly refreshed online content.

Facilitated Networking with Best Practices

Connect with others who share your vision and get best practices for networking in the dental community.

Coaching for Thought Leadership

Become a thought leader in the dental community with our coaching in your area of expertise/interest.

Upgraded Platform for Current Interests

We stay connected with you and the community to upgrade our platform and facilitate your current interests.

Our Client Services

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