Strategic Partnerships

At Execudent, we take a lean, process-driven approach to maximize internal resources and meet the needs of our clients in dental strategic partnerships. We work closely with industry partners to create mutually beneficial agreements that identify areas of collaboration, establish roles and responsibilities, and set expectations. Additionally, we provide comprehensive business plans for large and small clients and support them throughout the partnership process. Our team executes business plans through a la carte services, such as marketing campaigns and sales initiatives, to help each client achieve long-term success.

Strategic Partnerships

What We Do

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Our Process


We provide a range of services to support dental and oral health strategic partnerships. These services are aligned with our mission to promote the future of dentistry and include support for joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, de novo ventures, and beyond.

Partnership Agreement or Deal Structure

We work closely with small start-ups, established innovators, and larger industry partners to develop agreements that are mutually beneficial and set both parties up for success. This step includes identifying areas of collaboration, defining clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations to ensure everyone is aligned around shared goals.

Operations Design & Deployment Support

Our comprehensive business plans provide a roadmap for achieving success with each product or service offering for newly-formed and established Clients. We help scale-up the startup businesses while ensuring large-scale clients can make easy use of fully-developed in-house resources for a robust product launch. We scope and scale joint operating or transition-to-acquisition agreements and expectations for all parties involved.

Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support to both our start-up and innovator clients and their larger industry partners throughout the partnership process. Our team facilitates regular Client–to–Client updates on progress and success metrics, as well as identifying opportunities for growth and expansion over time.

A La Carte Services

To execute on the business plan, we offer a la carte services, such as implementing marketing campaigns, collaborating on sales initiatives, and other activities designed to generate revenue and build brand recognition (e.g., rich content production or passive marketing streams).

Multiplying Metrics

Our team ensures that every Client of every partnership gets off to a strong start and has the best chance possible of achieving long-term success. In other words, we multiply your metrics, helping you achieve the goals that matter most to your business.

Our Client Services

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